Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter 2011

With Adam having to work crazy hours we were afraid Easter was going to be without him. However, everything worked out and we fit everything in, where we could! Before Adam left for work we were able to dye Easter eggs. The kids and I then went over to see Grandma, DeeDum, DeeMo, which ever name you call her and got to dye more easter eggs with the cousins!
After so much fun we were ready to get some carrots from the garden to leave for the bunny and we all hopped off to bed. In the morning the kids went on a scavenger hunt to find the baskets of goodies that were left (dora/pokemon) for them and managed to even fit in one round of finding the easter eggs before drifting off to sleep!
When Adam woke up from his short nap. We went and visited Mimi and Papa and then the Kober/Greene clan. It was a day filled with fun, laughs, eater egg hunts, family, water fights and tons of food and candy!

Renissance Festival 2011

We made it to the Renissance Festival once again this year. While it was a bit warm, it didn't stop us from having a wonderful time. We saw may shows, jousts, played all the games and ate really good food. We really love going and hope to go again next year!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

This year for Valentine's day Adam and I enjoyed a privately chartered scenic airplane ride around the valley! (Thank you groupon for the wonderful idea and making if affordable!) Afterwards, we enjoyed some Hot Pot! Yum! As for the kids, they wokeup to gifts of chocolates and books and a heart shaped breakfast! We ended the day with a heart shaped pizza and more chocolate! Thank you chocolate (I mean, my family) for such an enjoyable day!!!

Celebrity Baseball

Thanks to Papa Sanders we got tickets to go the this years celebrity baseball game! While none of us are huge baseball enthusiast. I'm sure there was some really cool retired baseball players on the field. Either way we had a really fun and relaxing day outside in the beautiful Arizona winter weather together as a family!

Dylan's 9

Dylan's birthday this year was a bit different then years past. He deciced to have a small party with just two friends over. Adam and I took the three of them, plus Daphne to Jumpstreet! They had a blast and really wore themselves out. Next Adam took the three boys to a pokemon battle at Atomic comics and I took Daphne to pick up the cake from DeeDum. The cake turned out Amazing! When they returned home I think the entire neighborhood was notifyed do to the pure loudness that the three of them created. Nonetheless, they enjoyed cake and ran around the house till midnight, or so! Dylan had a great Birthday and his ever aging parents are still trying to caught up on sleep.


On New Years Day, the entire Kober family got together at Freestone park to launch rockets. Like always, Chris' went way to far and he had to hunt his down. As for Daphne, Adam made her, her own this year with monkeys on it. She launched it twice, but decided it was more fun just to hold it. And as for Dylan, he couldn't get enough, the faster he could reload the sooner he could relaunch! We all had a really good time!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Gingerbread Houses!

On Sunday we all went over to DeeDum's house to make Gingerbread houses! As normal the kids had a blast, but I don't think they had near as much fun as the adults!!! The houses all turned out great!

Snow Day

Our community held its annual Snow day in the park last weekend and the kids had a blast. Dylan had many snowball fight and built a big snowman with some friends from school. Daphne was a little timid at first, but within seconds was climbing up the hill and making snowballs of her own!

Vessels of Hope

Marjon Ceramics held it's first annual Vessels of hope competition to benefit cancer patients. Adam created a vase surrounded by blades of grass and a childs hand planting seeds in the grass with flowers blooming. It was truly a stunning work of art. Though he did not win, he did donate his piece for auction to help support the cause! We are truly proud of his accomplishments!

Amy's big 30!

On Amy's Birthday I woke up to a front yard, garage, and car that had been decorated with ballons, streamers and more to celebrate my special day. (Thanks Laura and Mom) Then after a long day with kids we decided to order the largest pizza around and settle down in front on the TV to unwind after a long weekend! Adam and the kids surprised me with lots of flowers and a large slice of chocolate cake for dessert! It was truly a great day!

Indoor Skydiving

For Amy's 30th Birthday we wanted to do something a bit different. So we drove out to Eloy, AZ and went indoor skydiving! It was a BLAST! While it wasn't as easy as the professionals made it look, it is definately something we would recommend to everyone!


After much thought Adam and I decided to have Thanksgiving at home alone with the kids. After several years of not being able to cook and running from place to place we decided to stay home and eat as a family. The kids help in the kitchen and made the day very memorable. Dinner turned out wonderful and after we ate we went out for a family walk before dessert.
While we definately missed sharing the day with extended family, we truly had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was a bit different then times past. This year we were able to celebrate with Adam home! Halloween day we purchased a new car to replace Adam's car that was totaled during a recent hail storm. After that we came home and carved pumpkins, ate chili with spiders for dinner and drank ghosts. We quickly got the kids dressed after that into their costumes. Dylan being the major pokemon geek that he is was a pokemon ranger and his best friend Josh was a pokemon trainer (Dylan's costume from last year). Daphne on the other hand has been talking about bees ever since we came back from our last camp out, so yes, she ended up being a bee for Halloween! The kids both had a great time trick or treating and eating tons of candy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sanders Camping Trip

For Papa Sanders birthday we gave him a new tent, AKA mobile home, and we were all anxious to try it out. So, we loaded up 3/4 of our house and headed out with 2 clean kids for an out door adventure! Everyone had so much fun. From a hike, that NO we didn't get lost on... to so much amazing dutch oven food, soothing banjo music and a family shoot out, and yes, Adam is still a sharp shooter! On our way home we stopped at the lake to skip a few rocks before loading back in the car, took a baby wipe bath, just in time for the kids to quickly drifted off into dream land for the ride home!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Daphne's 2nd Birthday

Daphne is 2! This year for Daphne's 2nd Birthday we had a Yo Gabba Gabba Party with family and friends. She was on overload with family, gifts, cake, attention, games, and fun! Everyone had a blast making there own Gabba Gabba creation with balloons and guessing Gabba phrases in charades. With lots of clothes, dolls and doll asseccories as gifts, she was in heaven! The next day we took the kids bowling and enjoyed pizza and games. It was a wonderful way to spend our Labor Day weekend!