Sunday, June 28, 2009

Circus Fun!

After dropping Daphne off to play with Papa Sanders, Dylan, Adam and I all jumped onto the lightrail and took it in to down town Phoenix to US Airways Center to watch the Circus, Zing, Zang, Zoom!!! We had a blast acting like clowns!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Daphne is 9 months old

Daphne is one busy little girl. She loves to crawl around the house and get into anything she shouldn't. She LOVES clmbing. Climbing into the dishwasher is a joy of hers. She also loves to crawl all over anyone and everyone. She is very brave. She has also just had her first tooth come through the gums! She is having a blast spending part of her summer with her big brother and Papa Sanders. She is loving the Pool! Wow! I can't believe my baby is already 9 month old!

Dylan's last day of First Grade