Friday, February 19, 2010

Fun in the Park

With the Arizona weather at its best we have been enjoying much of our time together out doors. Daphne LOVES the slides. She can't get enough of them. Most of the time she perfers to go down on her belly, but she sits up and has even tried to walk down. She has no fear. Dylan has been practicing his soccer moves and playing caught with his dad to prepare for baseball coming up.

Phoenix Zoo

Thanks to Papa Sanders we enjoyed a beautiful day at the Phoenix Zoo for Valentine's Day. The weather was perfect, the animals behaved and the kids too!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Well after sitting in the Phoenix airport for an entire day, due to mechanical problems and weather issues, Adam finally took off for Hawaii. He had such a good time in Waikiki. He had the opportunity to drive from the South shore to the North shore and experienced lots of shopping, nature and beach as he could in his four days! We are glad to have him back home and hope we can all go back with him real soon!