Thursday, March 12, 2009

Daphne is 6 months old!!!

On March 5th Daphne turned 6 months old!!! While she is still pettite, she is full of life and sunshine! She loves to smile and giggle.  She is rolling all over and is almost sitting up without assistance. We LOVE her!!!
Daphne's First feel of SNOW. On our way back from New Mexico to visit Chuck and Granny, Daphne's Great-Grandparents, we stop so the kids could play in the snow. Daphne was definately intrigued?!

Phoenix Zoo Field Trip

On March 5th, 2009 Amy had the pleasure of being a chaperone to Dylan's First Grade class to the Phoenix Zoo! We all had such a great time!!!  (All the kids loved wearing the shirts they made in Science class)

First Karate Tournament

On March 8th 2009 Dylan went to his first karate Tournament. He won a silver medal in hardest punch. A second place trophy in Hardest Kick. A FIRST place trophy in fastest punch. And a gold medal for fastest Kick!!! He was AWESOME!!! 4 for 4 !!!

Renissance Festival

We had a wonderful time at the Renissance Festival this year!  Dylan got to do many things including archery. He wants to go back every year. Adam took his turn at throwing axes, and did GREAT! Daphne loved looking at all the interesting outfits and Amy really enjoyed watching the whip master!

Visit with Chuck and Granny in New Mexico. Adam's Grandparents