Thursday, May 5, 2011

Easter 2011

With Adam having to work crazy hours we were afraid Easter was going to be without him. However, everything worked out and we fit everything in, where we could! Before Adam left for work we were able to dye Easter eggs. The kids and I then went over to see Grandma, DeeDum, DeeMo, which ever name you call her and got to dye more easter eggs with the cousins!
After so much fun we were ready to get some carrots from the garden to leave for the bunny and we all hopped off to bed. In the morning the kids went on a scavenger hunt to find the baskets of goodies that were left (dora/pokemon) for them and managed to even fit in one round of finding the easter eggs before drifting off to sleep!
When Adam woke up from his short nap. We went and visited Mimi and Papa and then the Kober/Greene clan. It was a day filled with fun, laughs, eater egg hunts, family, water fights and tons of food and candy!

Renissance Festival 2011

We made it to the Renissance Festival once again this year. While it was a bit warm, it didn't stop us from having a wonderful time. We saw may shows, jousts, played all the games and ate really good food. We really love going and hope to go again next year!